Apply to be a

VGL Fellow

2018 Fellowship Application faqs


Can I still apply if I am graduating in May?

Yes, you are still eligible to apply for the fellowship.

Can I still apply if I have already graduated?

Yes, we accept applications from recent graduates in 2017 on a case-by-case basis.

Can I still apply if my grades have not been released?

You must submit your grades with your application by May 15, 2018. Applications without a transcript are considered incomplete

Are currently serving members eligible to participate?

Yes, any current student who has served or is serving is eligible to participate. 

What is the time commitment of the fellowship?  

The time commitment of the fellowship includes a mandatory attendance of the four-day seminar in Washington DC and two networking/panel events during 2018-2019. 

Do you have to live in DC to apply?  

No, however, you must attend the four-day seminar in Washington, DC. If you live far from DC and New York City, your mandatory 2 networking/panel events can be waived. 

Is there a cost to participate?

No, there is no cost to participate. Georgetown will provide accommodations for housing on a need base.  All VGL fellows must cover travel for the four-day seminar.