Hakluyt Leadership Seminar featuring John Brennan


Former cia Director john Brennan served our country for 30 years and advised multiple US presidents, including Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama. Mr. Brennan served as Director of the National COUNTER-TERRORISM Center and was the 5th United States Homeland Security Advisor before heading the Central Intelligence Agency in 2013.


"At VGL, we believe in the power of mentorship from extraordinary leaders like Director John Brennan. Director Brennan is an American Leader and someone who has made some of the toughest and most challenging decisions to keep our country safe. We are truly honored and humbled to have his time, guidance and genuine support of our organization." - Jayson W. Browder, Founder and Chairman of Veterans in Global Leadership.


"The only word to describe the access to world leaders engaging in intimate conversions as a VGL Fellow is priceless. Since I began the fellowship program I've had the opportunity to engage in intimate, off-record conversions with former Directors of Central Intelligence Agency Gen. Micheal Hayden and John Brennan. The first hand accounts of the intelligence community’s evolution since 9/11 has broadened my understanding of the public policy challenges in an increasingly complex world. With this exposure my level of confidence to compete for and obtain internationally recognized fellowships in national security has increased immensely.” - Kellen Curry, 2017 VGL Fellow and MBA Candidate at George Washington University