Sponsor VGL

Veterans in Global Leadership is a two year old 501(c)3 whose goal is to cultivate student veterans with high-potential to be change agents and leaders in their respective fields. Our program has been built on a proven mentorship model, incorporating individualized mentorship for a full academic year from military and civilian experts from a diverse array of fields. Based on the experience of the forty-five Fellows who have entered this program, it has been an unqualified success. 

Nevertheless, only a small percentage of those who wish to participate have the financial wherewithal to do so, and the number of veterans who could benefit from our program continues to grow. There is currently a sufficient number of qualified volunteer mentors to expand the program, and the number of qualified, volunteer mentors continues to grow. 

Up until now, we have focused specifically on program design in order to create a powerful success model and show impact. After seeing our positive performance and results, VGL is actively seeking new funding to be able to sustain its steady and purposeful growth. Moving forward, we are seeking parternship opportunities to address the questions relating to scope and scale of any further expansion. At this stage in VGL's development, funding is needed to overcome two critical limiting factors below:

  • Financial support for our Fellows during the term of the program. To date, all of our Fellows have been self-financed. 
  • Full-time, paid employees to manage and expand the scope of the existing program and to identify and work with potential partners to plan for VGL's future.